

There are several ways for you to be involved.

  • Dress Nominations: This form is to be filled out by the individual nominating someone to receive a brand new little black dress. An ideal nominee is a female facing emotional, financial, or physical challenges who is in need of encouragement or celebration for overcoming difficult situations.
  • Award Nominations:: This form is to be filled out by the individual nominating someone to receive a Little Black Dress Award, The ideal LBD Award nominee would be a Christian woman who extravagantly serves, volunteers, and shares God’s love with individuals and the community.
 2. SIGN UP 
  • TABLE HOST: We will need 57 women to host a table.  Each host will also designate a friend to assist them. This is a great opportunity for women to jump on board and bless the ladies who attend LBD. First time hosts need to fill out the application using this link:  https://lbd.breezechms.com/form/TableHosts23 (Past hosts sign up based on instructions given in the email sent out from Ardith Baker.)
  • Models, Child Care, and other opportunities to volunteer can be signed up for through the form on our website, Facebook or using this link – https://lbd.breezechms.com/form/Volunteer4LBD
  • HOSPITALITY TEAM: Males to serve during the event. Sign up using this link https://lbd.breezechms.com/form/afewgoodmen 
  • This link is to share or to sign up guests. Use Code FF for them to receive the Friends and Family Discount for $25 tickets. (Tickets are $45 to the public.)
  • Child Care is available for kids under 12 years old. (This link is shared in all the registration confirmation emails.) https://lbd.breezechms.com/form/LBDChildCare23
  • Scholarships are available. Email Paula @ roach6.paula@gmail.com
4. SHARE: Help raise awareness of event details and opportunities.
  • Find us on Facebook The Little Black Dress.
    • Follow, like, and share our page to stay updated and bring awareness to all things LBD.
    • STAY connected and continue to share opportunities to get involved as well as encouragement through posted devotionals and more.
  • Distribute promotions material.
    • Pass out flyers. Hang posters. Post a picture on our page wherever you leave materials.
    • Personal invitations
    • Digital versions
    • Hoodies & Event Shirts – purchase and wear to promote and raise funds.  
  • Donate Door Prize Items such as fine chocolates or gift cards for dinner, gas, grocery, oil change, etc.
  • Become a Dress Sponsor @ $200 each to bless and encourage a nominated woman OR give any amount toward the over all budget. (Giving can be done directly through www.LBDevent.org/give)
  • Own a business? Become a Sponsor. See the sponsors section on our website:  (www.LBDevent.org/sponsor) or talk to our marketing team about sharing the sponsor opportunity with a business owner you are connected to. 
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